Quest:Homesteads of Eriador
Quest: Homesteads of Eriador Description: With the rumours of war, the encroaching enemy driving the inhabitants out of the rural areas of Eriador, and further strife drawing settlers up from the southern lands, smaller communities are springing up in the North. An agent you encountered has suggested you might take the opportunity to purchase your own home by speaking to one of the brokers that can be found near the major communities throughout Eriador. Category: Housing Quest Level: 15
'Greetings, (your name)! I have something to offer you. Since the eviction of the Dourhands, the prosperity of Thorin's Hall has been on the rise of late -- and with the Men of Bree-town clamouring for our goods, even more so!
'Good day, (your name). While you no doubt know that the presence of the Elves in Middle-earth has dwindled in the past age, it might surprise you to know that the communities along this river have grown in recent years as more and more of our brethren arrive awaiting their turn to sail into the West. We have even found it necessary to raise a new neighbourhood to accomodate those who are making the journey, as well as those who may not be travelling no further, but wish to live here and aid in the work we do here.
'Greetings (your name)! It's a fine day to be looking for a place to live, isn't it? The Shire has been most prosperous of late, most prosperous indeed, as the Men of Bree-land have come to rely upon us for ever greater stocks of quality produce and our unmatched flavours of pipe-weed.
'Greetings, (your name)! Hear me out for a moment, or you will miss the opportunity of a lifetime! As anyone with an ear to the ground knows, troubles in the South have brought new settlers here from across Eriador. With such a migration may come such blights as crowding and refuse -- even the rumours of war from the North, as well as the South -- and old Bree-town lies huddled within these old walls, becoming ever more pressed as each new arrival joins the throngs. |