Quest:Healing Stores

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Quest: Healing Stores

Description: Leecher Cartwell has ordered some supplies from Bruner Stoutthrush, who has in turn run out of stock.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 9

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'Leecher Cartwell in Combe has been wasting his healing stores on any rabble or riff-raff that wander through his door. Now, he expects me to fill his stores! It will cost him more than a few pennies this time, I can tell you that!

'Travel over to Brandy Hall in Buckland and speak with a good-for-naught hobbit there by the name of Hodric Bracegirdle. Get a crate of that oily salve he makes and bring it back to me.

'That salve should satisfy the leech.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Stoutthrush's Shield

Unknown icon.png Stoutthrush's Blade