Quest:Glorfindel's Company

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Quest: Glorfindel's Company

Description: Glorfindel has heard that his former comrade Erchiel has taken up residence in a glade by Lake Evendim.

Category: Trollshaws

Quest Level: 36

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'Well met! I know you to be a great traveller, and it occurs to me that I might be able to make use of your road-lore. Long ago, an Elf-warrior named Erchiel was one of my company. She was a doughty fighter and a boon companion. But since I had heard nothing from her in recent years, I had supposed she had sailed over the Sea and departed Middle-earth.

'Yet now comes word from a traveller that she is living in a glade near Lake Evendim. If you would be so kind, I will send you to her with my greetings and with an invitation to come to Rivendell now that Middle-earth is once again threatened by the Enemy.

'If you accept this task, I will send you first to the Ranger lore-master Culang at Tinnudir, an island just off the eastern shore of Lake Evendim. Since before the fall of Sauron, Evendim has been the domain of Men, not of Elves, so not only is it a courtesy to call on him first, but it may be that he knows just where Erchiel can be found.'