Quest:Friend of Sparrows

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Quest: Friend of Sparrows

Description: Radagast has asked for your help in saving one last creature from the swamps of Agamaur: a sparrow whose nest is surrounded by the vile swamp waters.

Category: Lore-master

Quest Level: 29

Required Classes: Lore-master

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'There is one last creature who is in need of our aid. My frog-friend here has told me of a sparrow who is trapped in his nest. This nest is found in a tree in the middle of the water in the ruins between the Circle of Blood and Gloomleaf's grove.

'Here, take this Song of the Sparrow that I have inscribed and call the sparrow from his nest and bring him here.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Tome of the Hare


Friend of the Wild


Friend of the Wild