Quest:Fresh Supplies

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Quest: Fresh Supplies

Description: The flood of refugees into Archet has caused a supply shortage, and Captain Brackenbrook's quartermaster, Peg Pruner, is having difficulty providing for the refugees.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 3

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'With all these folk coming in from the outlying farms, there's just not enough food to go around! My Ned's got his hands full trying to keep the peace inside the walls, and what with everyone else drilling on the training grounds, there's no one left to do the hunting.

'Maybe you could help out? Boars used to be plentiful in the fields south and east of town, if the Blackwolds haven't slaughtered them all. Could you hunt a few and bring me their meat?

'It will take a good amount of meat to feed all these people. I'd appreciate any help you could give me.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Boar Jerky

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Quilted Shoulder Pads

Unknown icon.png Leather Shoulder Pads