Quest:Fresh Steed for Othrikar

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Quest: Fresh Steed for Othrikar

Description: Éogar, the owner of Hengstacer, has asked for your help delivering a fresh steed to Othrikar.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 35

Hdg bestower.gif

'There is one last task I would have you do before I ask you to prove your true quality.

'The stable-master at the dwarf-mines of Othrikar is an old friend of mine. We met along the road when I left the Riddermark after the king's health failed. I had promised I would send him out a fresh steed as soon as I could find a spare rider. I think you now have skill enough to lead your mount through greater perils than the lands of the holbytla. I am a man of my word and this Bay steed must be sent out at once. Before I can give you your final test, I will need you to travel into the North Downs and deliver it.

'Be careful...the road is long, and there are more dangers than loose stones and roots hidden in the hills of the North Downs.'

Clicking on the 'Mounted' induction bar gives you the option to dismount your steed but will also cancel the quest.