Quest:First Age Relics - Introduction

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Quest: First Age Relics - Introduction

Description: The descendants of Skorgrím Dourhand have ever been a thorn in the side of Durin's Folk, the Longbeards. Though now outcast, they remain a threat to the Free Peoples of Ered Luin.

Category: Ered Luin

Quest Level: 46

Hdg bestower.gif

'At your service and your family's, (your name). The Dourhands have been mining in the Blue Mountains and have uncovered the remains of a lost dwarf-city, which the Elves are now calling Sarnúr.

'Though many of them are undoubtedly destroyed, ancient relics of the First Age surely still remain in the crumbling halls and deep caverns below the Blue Mountains. Can you imagine? The ancient works of the dwarves lying in the hands of those thieving murderers, it boils the blood! The Dourhands may lay claim to the treasures, but without proof of their ancestry, any dwarf may stake his claim, and I do it thus for the Longbeards!

'Retrieve any of these relics that you may find and bring them to me here at the Blue Stone Garrison. The Longbeards would be deeply in your debt for the return of any of the ancient works, great or small.'