Quest:Enemies of our Enemy

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Quest: Enemies of our Enemy

Description: Sergeant-at-Arms Thorfinn has an idea that could give the Free Peoples the ability to drive the forces of Angmar from the Isendeep, but the plan is not without grave danger.

Category: Isendeep Mine

Quest Level: 50

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'Angmar has got hold of the mine, and we need to get back in there. There are not enough forces to call from the south to storm such a large place, but all may not be lost yet.

'Our enemy here has enemies, and if we are smart about how we handle this, we might yet turn the enemy of our enemy into an ally, at least for a moment.

'I'm talking about the drakes that make the mine and the surrounding areas their home. We might get them to fight against the Orcs if we can draw their attention to them. To do that we need to get some meat...Thistledown haunches ought to do, (your class). Collect some and bring them back to me.'

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