Quest:Drummers in the Deep

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Quest: Drummers in the Deep

Description: Oghûk wants revenge on Kaushar, the goblin who imprisoned him for causing trouble with the troll-drums in the deep places of Goblin-town.

Category: Misty Mountains

Quest Level: 49

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'Kaushar is to blame for this. I used to mend the drums in the place of the trolls, and Kaushar complained to Aklash who locked me away. Kaushar now mends the drums in my place.

'Kaushar must be punished for this. He is in the deep places where the trolls are. Go there and kill his drummers.

'While you're about your job, I'll figure out who has the key to my cell.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Oghûk's Necklace

Unknown icon.png Oghûk's Gauntlets