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Quest: Drum-keepers

Description: The notes you discovered spoke of trolls being kept in the deep parts of Goblin-town, drumming to stir up the goblins and prepare them for battle. Glóin has tasked Vighar with organizing parties to enter the drum areas and kill the trolls and the leader of the lashers there to lessen the threat that they represent to the people west and east of the Misty Mountains.

Category: Misty Mountains

Quest Level: 50

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'Your discovery in Goblin-town has us all on edge around here, (your name). Something terrible is amiss, and we must be vigilant against that growing darkness or face a terrible foe when they are organized.

'Glóin would like to see that this never comes to pass and has asked me to find those willing to face the strongest enemies within Goblin-town. If you are so willing, then I would suggest finding others before you head out to perform this task.

'The translation of the sheafs mentioned goblin-lashers keeping troll-drummers in line in the deep places of Goblin-town. We need you to go there, seek out these lashers, kill them and their leader, then return to us.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Curunam

Unknown icon.png Vighar's Vest

Unknown icon.png Roadwalker's Shoes