Quest:Down, Down to Goblin-town

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Quest: Down, Down to Goblin-town

Description: Having defeated the Warg pack-leader Black-fang and discovered the likely whereabouts of the missing Elvish hunter Glorwen, you now face the grim task of proceeding into the depths of Goblin-town itself to effect her rescue!

Category: Misty Mountains

Quest Level: 48

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'So, Black-fang revealed Glorwen's fate to you before he was himself torn to pieces by his own pack? I deem it a fitting fate for such a monster, but not for poor Glorwen!

'There is but one glimmer of hope that remains - the hatred of the goblins for my people is such that they will not kill Glorwen if they can help it, they would much rather keep her in endless toil and torment until her will to live breaks and she either loses her mind or dies of her own accord.

'Luckily, Glorwen is no faint maiden to be easily broken by such as they, and thus we may have some time to effect her escape - but I would not have her suffer a minute longer beneath at the tender mercies of the goblins! If you can find a way into the dungeons of Goblin-town and release Glorwen, Rivendell will be forever in your debt - as will I.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Refined Essence of Athelas

Unknown icon.png Refined Celebrant Salve