Quest:Disease Among the Boars

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Quest: Disease Among the Boars

Description: Constable Thistlewool is troubled by the disease spreading through the boars in the wake of the destruction wrought on Archet. The boars must be destroyed before they infect the other wildlife and eradicate the diminished food supply in Archet.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 6

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'Ah, a fine day to you! It's good to see the backs of the Blackwolds broken and peace settling over Archet once more. Now we can concern ourselves with less dire problems!

'Actually, you might be able to help with one of those problems, if you are interested. There seems to be an illness spreading among the local boars. And a terrible affliction it must be, for the beasts are more hostile than normal!

'We really must put an end to this illness, and the only way is to slay those afflicted. Would you do this?'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Worn Shoulder Pads

Unknown icon.png Thistlewool's Knife