Quest:Deep Vengeance

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Quest: Deep Vengeance

Description: Eilig and his brothers Machar and Torquil are seeking vengeance against Orc-raiders who slew their kin.

Category: Angmar

Quest Level: 44

Hdg bestower.gif

'My brothers and I thirst for revenge against Orcs and Uruks who slew our kin. One seeks mindless vengeance, while the other seeks restitution - neither understands our foes truly. Orcs are cowards at heart, fighting only when driven by stern and heartless leaders. If we are to know peace again, then these leaders must be felled before they drive their hordes upon us once again.

It is the ones who led the raid who must be slain. The Ongburz chieftain Nûlthauk can be found deep within their cave north of here. Destroy him and the driving power behind the orcs will be shattered for a time.'