Quest:Concern for a Friend

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Quest: Concern for a Friend

Description: Falco's garden is failing for an unknown reason, causing distress among the people of Staddle.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 10

Hdg bestower.gif

'I'd wager Falco Greenhand is the best gardener in all of Staddle, and that's saying quite a lot. He's very proud of that garden of his, and not without reason -- it's quite a sight! Recently he hasn't been coming round to visit like he used to, though, and I'm a little worried about him.

'In fact, I heard that his garden is going through a rough spell, and it might not survive the season! Maybe you can find out what's going on, and put my mind at ease? Falco's farm is south-west of here.

'Falco's a good friend, and I'd hate to see him lose that garden!'