Quest:Coat of Shadow

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Quest: Coat of Shadow

Description: The Earth-kin once believed the hides of the Wargs to be utterly useless, but have recently discovered a way to cure them.

Category: North Downs

Quest Level: 31

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'We long thought the fur of Wargs useless. It rots too quickly as they die. But we have found that it may be cured with a simple mixture of harrow weed, a bitter plant that grows in the plains nearby.

'If you bring me hides from Dire Wargs and some harrow weed, I may be able to fashion armour from it. The Wargs wander the plains in the east.

'The dark hides of the Dire Wargs might make armour that will let us hide more easily from the Rauta-lehmä and the Angmarim.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Stalking Cloak

Unknown icon.png Warg Hide Helm