Quest:Chapter 8: The Red-pass

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Quest: Chapter 8: The Red-pass

Description: Radagast told you that members of the Eglain, led by Elsa and Eriac, had entered Agamaur, the northern marshes of the Red Swamp.

Category: Epic - Book II: The Red Maid

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 29

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'Two young and headstrong youths of the Eglain, Elsa and Eriac, entered Agamaur with a small company. They sought to find the power behind the threat to their people, but if the Gaunt-lord Ivar has come to Agamaur, I fear they face a power they cannot overcome. They need your help.

'The Red Swamp is divided into two regions. The southern marshes, Haragmar, you know. Elsa and Eriac entered Agamaur, the northern marshes, through the Red-pass. It is a passage known only to the Eglain...and myself.

'I will accompany you, for the shadow that has come to Agamaur is too powerful for you to deal with alone. Gather allies to aid you, for there is no telling what evil awaits us in the swamp. Return to me when you are prepared to leave.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png The Scavenger's Lot

Unknown icon.png Scale Boots of the Eglain

Unknown icon.png Ring of the Eglain

Unknown icon.png Bracelet of the Eglain

Unknown icon.png Celeglang