Quest:Chapter 7: Emissaries of Evil

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Quest: Chapter 7: Emissaries of Evil

Description: Mordrambor has translated the orders you recovered from Angmarim in Annúminas and revealed a deadly plan to gain more allies in the fight for the city.

Category: Epic - Book X: The City of the Kings

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 50

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'These words sing of thy death and of the deaths of all the Dúnedain, foolish (your class). The pages tell Amarthiel's loyal servants to await the return of her emissaries, who have travelled to many lands seeking new allies.

'The waters of the lake have been as a road for Amarthiel's emissaries, and they carry gold with which to buy the loyalty of new servants: cold-hearted Men on an island far to the north-east; the Gauredain of the north-western hills, fierce and savage; the Kergrim, great beasts that stalk among the crypts of long-dead kings.

'When these servants return from across the great water, such a number of new allies sworn to the Iron Crown will come in their train that none shall hope to prevail against them.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Superior Ultimate Carrot Cake

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Delicious Steak

Unknown icon.png Feast of Rohan

Unknown icon.png Masterful Mash