Quest:Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone

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Quest: Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone

Description: Corunir reacted strangely to the presence and touch of the stone-heart, recoiling from it in terror. He told you that the heart had been prepared to receive a fell spirit from an elder Age, similar to those that inhabit the wights which serve Angmar.

Category: Epic - Book VI: Fires in the North

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 46

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'Nay, take this evil thing..I can bear it no longer! My apologies, friend, but the sense of this thing is too much likened to the terror of Rammas Deluon. I cannot bear its presence.

'But I know now the secret of the stones of Rammas Deluon. It is no spell that grants the statues such power, but a fell spirit of an elder Age, such as those that inhabit the wights which serve Angmar. This stone-heart was prepared to receive such a spirit.

'Perhaps this heart may be made to draw forth such a spirit from another stone. It may be a clue to breaking the will of the watching-stones! Take this stone-heart to the ancient watching-stone which stands near the eastern pass of Ram Dúath to the east of here, not far from Bail Róva, a fortress of the Angmarim'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Eiliangor

Unknown icon.png Corunir's Axe

Unknown icon.png Thalronn

Unknown icon.png Corunir's Robe


Conqueror of the Watching-stones