Quest:Chapter 5: The Last Refuge
Quest: Chapter 5: The Last Refuge Description: With the key-stone in hand, you can now enter the dwarf-keep in Gabilazan, the last refuge of the Dourhands and confront both the Nazgûl and Skorgrím. Category: Epic - Book V: The Last Refuge Scope: Epic Quest Level: 45
'Now that we have the keystone, the back way into the Dourhand keep will be open to us! You should be able to confront both the Nazgûl and Skorgrím. However, the task will be a great one, and you will need help, so gather a company of allies. Also, since completion of this task may mean the end of Skorgrím, a great boon to Durin's Folk, I will send my son Gimli along with you to aid in the battle. I will entrust him with both the key-stone and the secret dwarf-lore needed to open the gate.
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