Quest:Chapter 5: Eastward Passage

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Quest: Chapter 5: Eastward Passage

Description: Companies of Angmarim have been seen leaving Evendim and passing into the east, heading for the Trollshaws in search of Narchuil.

Category: Epic - Book XI: Prisoner of the Free Peoples

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 50

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'I had hoped we would learn something of Narchuil that might aid us in finding it before the Angmarim, but that hope, like so many others, has been dashed. We have been delayed by Mordrambor and must now follow Amarthiel's forces eastward, where I had hoped to stay before them.

'No matter. There are many tall hills between here and the wilderness of the Trollshaws, and if we must follow, we will do so knowing what to expect. You should leave Evendim heading east and pass through the Fields of Fornost. A short distance north-east of Trestlebridge stands the great hill of Amon Raith. Stand at its peak and look eastward. If you see the Angmarim ahead of you, continue to Amon Sul, which is called Weathertop by many, in the Lone-lands, and do the same: look eastward from its summit.

'I am worried that the Angmarim may attack villages along the way. By scouting their position from the heights, you will be able to learn of their progress and follow them wherever they are headed.'