Quest:Chapter 3: The High Fortress
Quest: Chapter 3: The High Fortress Description: Glóin told you that the Nazgûl you are pursuing can be found in the old dwarf-fortress of Gabilazan, in the company of Skorgrím Dourhand. The two entered the nearly impregnable inner keep of the fortress. Glóin believes the only way to enter the inner keep is to learn its secret entrance. Category: Epic - Book V: The Last Refuge Scope: Epic Quest Level: 43
'If we can but enter this fortress, we will end two problems with one fell stroke. By ending the threat of this Rider, we can ensure Rivendell's safety, and by putting an end to Skorgrím, we will crush the Dourhands. However, it won't be easy, as the scout reported the two entered the the inner keep of the fortress. That keep is nearly impregnable. |