Quest:Chapter 2: The Gates of Fornost

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Quest: Chapter 2: The Gates of Fornost

Description: Mincham believes that the Enemy has indeed returned to Fornost, but cannot tell the strength of the forces there as they approached the city from the north.

Category: Epic - Book III: The Council of the North

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 29

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'I cannot tell you the strength of the forces of Angmar within Fornost, for I did not see them approach. The Orcs and Wargs that guard the gates must have entered Fornost from the north!

'I fear the only way to know the true strength of the Enemy within Fornost is to test the defences erected at its gates by the Orcs. I would do this myself, but my old injury prevents me from doing so.

'If you are willing, go to the Norbury Gates north of here and slay what Orcs and Wargs you find. After you have done so, bring me a report of what you find.'

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Fixed Items

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