Quest:Chapter 12: The Black Rider's Designs

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Quest: Chapter 12: The Black Rider's Designs

Description: You were rescued from the clutches of the Wight-lord by Tom Bombadil, but you learned much that may help Strider and his people.

Category: Epic - Book I: Stirrings in the Darkness

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 18

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'Old barrow-wights from Angmar came. They disturb the peace and trouble folk who wander through their mounds. Let the Dead sleep and leave their troubles in the earth. Unless of course you wake them, dancing on their rooftops!

'Hey, come, my friend. Linger here no longer. To Bree you should be a-going. You've a friend there who awaits you!'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Malbellas