Quest:Cardolan Trinket

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Quest: Cardolan Trinket

Description: The Barrow-downs were once a haven of the Rangers of Cardolan. They fell long ago and became of place of terror beneath the shadow of the Witch-king of Angmar.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 42

Hdg bestower.gif

'It is well that you have returned, (your name). I fear that your venture into Haudh Iarchith has only slowed the spread of the taint that dwells there, but it has not been destroyed.

'It appears that more spirits have been stirred than we had expected. It is imperative that you return to Haudh Iarchith and continue to quell the wights that seek to answer the call of their master.

'Return to me when you have collected more Cardolan trinkets. The Men of Bree have begun to notice your courage. It is my hope that you can inspire them to great deeds.'