Quest:Bringing Beasts to Bear

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Quest: Bringing Beasts to Bear

Description: Angmar once again holds the Isendeep Mine and Sergeant-at-Arms Thorfinn believes that the time has come to purge them from the depths to take the mine back for the Free People. He suggests a drastic measure to do so in an effort to defeat the foe.

Category: Isendeep Mine

Quest Level: 50

Hdg bestower.gif

'The mines are fallen to Angmar again and I will not stand for it, (your name). We must get the mine back.

'I suggest that we use the drakes stalking the depths as cover for our attack. Search the lands south of Tol Ascarnen or west and south on the plains of the Steps of Gram for the Thistledown grazers. Collect haunches from those beasts and deliver them to a flat stone near where the Tyrant holding the mine keeps his company.

'The blood from the haunches should draw the drakes within range of the foe and bring about the battle needed to bring these foes down!'