Quest:Breaking the Front Lines

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Quest: Breaking the Front Lines

Description: A great host of Orcs spilled through Ram Dúath, driving the Men of the North Downs from their farms. Esteldín, home of the few remaining Dúnedain of the North, was spared discovery. It is from there that the Rangers begin to plan their counter-offensive against the black tide of Angmar.

Category: North Downs

Quest Level: 32

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'Your efforts were admirable, but the goblins have not been broken. Their numbers are too great, and they are held to their duty by a ruthless taskmaster. The bond is a frail one, however, founded upon fear.

'I would ask you to return to the goblin-camps on the outskirts of Dol Dínen and find this goblin-taskmaster. If he is slain, the will of the goblins may be broken.

'Whatever advantages we can attain against this host will be of great aid, for we are too few, and we stand alone.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Belecthan