Quest:Bone Man

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Quest: Bone Man

Description: The shade in Bree still seeks to free his shield-brother from the curse that binds him to the shadow-realm and to Middle-earth, despite the grim news you brought to him.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 18

Hdg bestower.gif

'Alas...I had hoped my shield-brother would be easily freed, but I suppose it was not meant to be so.

'I believe the Bone Man is somewhere in the southern reaches of the Barrow-downs, but in sooth I know not just where he may be found. Perhaps someone in this town has heard of him and can tell thee more than I.

'I know I have no right to ask thee to face such a fearsome foe as the Bone Man, but for the sake of my shield-brother, I must. Please, search for the Bone Man and destroy him. Alas, I do not know if he can be defeated by a single warrior, even a mighty one, so thou should take allies with thee upon this quest.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Codhringor

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png The Bone Man's Guards

Unknown icon.png Bone Man's Band