Quest:Bert, Tom, and Bill

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Quest: Bert, Tom, and Bill

Description: Garbert's grandparents were driven from their village many years ago by three marauding trolls, and Garbert wants to learn what became of the villains.

Category: Trollshaws

Quest Level: 40

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'Many years ago, my grandparents lived in a quiet village not far from here. It was a peaceful place, and they were very happy, but one day three monstrous Stone-trolls came to the village and caused great destruction. My grandparents fled, and eventually my grandfather built this cottage here on the bank of the Bruinen. His son lived in the cottage with them, and I was later born here.

'I grew up and took a wife, and my parents left me the cottage when they passed on; Afanen and I have lived here ever since. I have always wondered whatever happened to those three trolls: Bert, Tom, and Bill they were called, and the names send shivers down my spine even today!

'I'm sure they must have come to a bad end, being trolls, but if you can find where they ended up and learn the tale of their undoing, I'd be very glad to hear it!'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Pure Athelas Extract

Unknown icon.png Pure Celebrant Ointment

Unknown icon.png Garbert Family Club

Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Pure Flask of Conhuith

Unknown icon.png Pure Milkthistle Draught