Quest:Beneath the Greenfields

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Quest: Beneath the Greenfields

Description: Bounder Primstone has gone to the goblin encampment with Bullroarer's club, thinking to drive the goblins from the Shire, but Halros fears he has made a terrible mistake.

Category: Epic - Prologue

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 12

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'I have learned something of our enemy. Lubach, the leader of these goblins, is under the sway of a Man from the north, from Angmar, I believe. It was long thought that none of that people still dwelled in the north, but it seems they have returned.

'I do not know what lies this Man of Angmar told to Lubach, but he has convinced him that he is the heir of Golfimbul, and that he must fulfil Golfimbul's ambition: the domination of the Shire.

'We must not delay, (your name). Gather your allies and rescue Bounder Primstone! I will seek out some of my kindred and meet you inside the goblin encampment to the north-west! Look for the cave entrance inside the camp...if the hobbit is alive, he will surely be within the cave, seeking Lubach!'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Fated Dagger

Unknown icon.png Lubach's Crusher

Unknown icon.png Halros' Staff

Unknown icon.png Halros' Trousers

Unknown icon.png Halros' Boots

Unknown icon.png Lubach's Ender