Quest:Arctic Hunters

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Quest: Arctic Hunters

Description: Tralli Gemfinder at Glóin's camp wants you to hunt the wargs that harass travellers in the Misty Mountains.

Category: Misty Mountains

Quest Level: 43

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'Everyone knows there are goblins in the Misty Mountains, but few know the way to Goblintown. Lord Glóin has been there, but he doesn't often talk of the adventure and you'd be wise not to press him on the subject.

'The goblins come out of Goblintown with their foul wargs, and hunt for prey among the high passes. The mountains are home to a great many of these wargs, savage beasts of teeth and claws. If you are a proven warrior, you might make them the prey, rather than the predator.

'Look for them around Pinnath Fenui, far to the east, and slay the foul hunters. We cannot allow them to prey on even the few travellers in this land.'

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Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Arctic Hunter