Quest:An End to the Enterprise

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Quest: An End to the Enterprise

Description: Tongannel mourns for the craftsman Tim Strawley, slain by the Gauredain while on his way south to sell wooden figurines in order to support his wife.

Category: Trollshaws

Quest Level: 44

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'We must do what we can for the Strawleys, (your name). It is too late for one, but not for the other.

'The Gauredain make their home in the south-west hills of Tâl Bruinen, south of Eryn Singor. Travel to this place, this Echad Gauradan, and defeat the bloodthirsty creatures. Take from them the wooden figurines they stole from Tim Strawley, and we will try to make this right.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Refined Essence of Athelas

Unknown icon.png Refined Celebrant Salve