Quest:A Threat from Spiders

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Quest: A Threat from Spiders

Description: Cal Sprigley's farm has been overrun by spiders. The farmer and his wife fled to Archet, leaving their belongings behind.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 5

Hdg bestower.gif

'Don't worry about me, $PLAYER$. A minor wound I got in the fighting.

'Now that the Brackenbrooks, father and son, have driven the Blackwolds away from Archet, perhaps these folk can get to living their lives as they once did. Word has reached me, though, that there's a new threat to be dealt with.

'A nearby farm has been overrun with spiders, and the folk there have retreated to Archet. My injury prevents me from dealing with the pests, but you have proven yourself a capable warrior and should have no trouble. Look for the farmer here in Archet. You may know him already...his name is Cal Sprigley.'