Quest:A Thief in the Night

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Quest: A Thief in the Night

Description: Burglars of great skill are not often chanced upon these days, especially if they do not wish to be found.

Category: Burglar

Quest Level: 15

Required Classes: Burglar

Hdg bestower.gif

'Hello, friend (your name). You have become a burglar of no small skill, but you and I both know that is not enough. An adequate burglar is simply not good enough if the task calls for an accomplished burglar, after all!

'It might not be too late. I have heard of just such an accomplished burglar, and it could be that he can give you the advice you need to become more than just adequate!

'Then again, he might not. But there's no harm in trying! Look for Atherol Took in Breeland, at Adso's Camp. You'll find the camp between the town of Bree and Buckland. If you have it in you to become a truly accomplished burglar, Atherol Took might be able to tease it out of you!'

Hdg bestower.gif

'Hello, friend (your name). You have become a burglar of no small skill, but you and I both know that is not enough. An adequate burglar is simply not good enough if the task calls for an accomplished burglar, after all!

'It might not be too late. I have heard of just such an accomplished burglar, and it could be that he can give you the advice you need to become more than just adequate!

'Then again, he might not. But there's no harm in trying! Look for Atherol Took at Adso's Camp, between the town of Bree and Buckland. If you have it in you to become a truly accomplished burglar, Atherol Took might be able to tease it out of you!'

Hdg bestower.gif

'Hello, friend (your name). You have become a burglar of no small skill, but you and I both know that is not enough. An adequate burglar is simply not good enough if the task calls for an accomplished burglar, after all!

'It might not be too late. I have heard of just such an accomplished burglar, and it could be that he can give you the advice you need to become more than just adequate!

'Then again, he might not. But there's no harm in trying! Look for Atherol Took at Adso's Camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland. If you have it in you to become a truly accomplished burglar, Atherol Took might be able to tease it out of you!'

Hdg bestower.gif

'Hello, friend (your name). You have become a burglar of no small skill, but you and I both know that is not enough. An adequate burglar is simply not good enough if the task calls for an accomplished burglar, after all!

'It might not be too late. I have heard of just such an accomplished burglar, and it could be that he can give you the advice you need to become more than just adequate!

'Then again, he might not. But there's no harm in trying! Look for Atherol Took at Adso's Camp, west of Bree, between here and Buckland. If you have it in you to become a truly accomplished burglar, Atherol Took might be able to tease it out of you!'

Hdg bestower.gif

'Hello, friend (your name). You have become a burglar of no small skill, but you and I both know that is not enough. An adequate burglar is simply not good enough if the task calls for an accomplished burglar, after all!

'It might not be too late. I have heard of just such an accomplished burglar, and it could be that he can give you the advice you need to become more than just adequate!

'Then again, he might not. But there's no harm in trying! Look for Atherol Took in Breeland, at Adso's Camp. You'll find the camp on the Great East Road, between Bree and Buckland. If you have it in you to become a truly accomplished burglar, Atherol Took might be able to tease it out of you!'

Hdg bestower.gif

'Hello, friend (your name). You have become a burglar of no small skill, but you and I both know that is not enough. An adequate burglar is simply not good enough if the task calls for an accomplished burglar, after all!

'It might not be too late. I have heard of just such an accomplished burglar, and it could be that he can give you the advice you need to become more than just adequate!

'Then again, he might not. But there's no harm in trying! Look for Atherol Took in Breeland, at Adso's Camp. You'll find the camp east of Buckland, on the road to Bree. If you have it in you to become a truly accomplished burglar, Atherol Took might be able to tease it out of you!'

Hdg rewards.gif

Fixed Items

Unknown icon.png Torthol

Unknown icon.png Farmer Maggot Mushroom

