Quest:A Pilgrimage to the Past

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Quest: A Pilgrimage to the Past

Description: The Ranger Ferrif has asked you to bear his compliments and regrets to Calenglad, the leader of the Rangers at the island of Tinnudir on Lake Evendim.

Category: North Downs

Quest Level: 34

Hdg bestower.gif

'Greetings. You have the look of a wayfarer who has walked many a long road, and I wonder if perhaps I could convince you to walk another in my stead.

'In the normal course of things, I should be on my way to Lake Nenuial, in Evendim, to serve for a time in caring for the old Dúnedain manors and crypts found near Annúminas. Truly, for most of my brethren, this duty is a pilgrimage to the past, to another time when Arnor was a great kingdom that ruled all these lands in peace and prosperity.

'However, what with the amassing Orc-army just on our doorstep, I will not be able to make my journey just yet. I would ask you to seek out Calenglad at the Ranger-camp on the island of Tinnudir, just off the east shore of Lake Nenuial, and give him my regrets and this explanation.'