Quest:A Lesson from Lindir

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Quest: A Lesson from Lindir

Description: Baillindiel believes that you should speak with Lindir, an Elf in Imladris who might be able to give you some instruction.

Category: Minstrel

Quest Level: 50

Required Classes: Minstrel

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'Allow me to congratulate you on your accomplishments, (your name)! You have become a minstrel beyond compare and have exceeded that which I can teach you. I marvel at your successes and wish you only the best!

'My good friend Lindir may be able to give you more instruction, for he is very fond of song and loves to speak with minstrels of all types.

'Look for Lindir within the Hall of Fire in Elrond's home in Imladris, for I am sure he will be glad to speak with you.'

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Fellowship's Heart