Quest:A Lesson from Legolas

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Quest: A Lesson from Legolas

Description: Fenton Marshley, impressed by your dedication and your ability, has recommended that you speak with Legolas, an Elf possessed of great skill in the hunt.

Category: Hunter

Quest Level: 50

Required Classes: Hunter

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'Allow me to congratulate you on your great accomplishments, (your name). Few hunters can boast of the dangers you have braved and the dark places into which your hunts have taken you, and you should be proud of your deeds, for they are worthy of commendation!

'My home is in Dale, but the way of the hunter is one that wanders. As I passed through the Mirkwood on the journey that eventually brought me here, I chanced upon a party of Elves that were leaving Thranduil's halls on some errand to speak with Elrond of Rivendell. One of that company, a fair Elf named Legolas, seemed to be a hunter of no small skill.

'I can teach you nothing more, but I am sure this Legolas could give you some manner of instruction. If he is still at Rivendell, seek him out and you may find a willing teacher.'

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Bow of the Righteous