Quest:A Call to Men

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Quest: A Call to Men

Description: To deal with the threat from Angmar, Halbarad has decided that he must call a council of the Free Peoples of the North Downs -- the Council of Esteldín.

Category: Epic - Book III: The Council of the North

Scope: Epic

Quest Level: 29

Hdg bestower.gif

'Of all those that have suffered in the North Downs, it is perhaps the people of Trestlebridge who have suffered the most. They have stood firm against all Orc attacks, but their own numbers are dwindling. In fact, the mayor of the town, Lovelle Boskins, was recently slain, and his daughter, Nellie, now leads the people there.

'I would ask you to go to Trestlebridge and speak with Nellie. We will need her leadership at the Council.

'I will give you a word of warning: although her people have the most to gain from coming, Nellie will be the hardest to convince. The constant attacks will block all thoughts of anything but dealing with the immediate threat.'