NPC: Aragorn 'It has been long since I walked on the green grass and sang among the birches of Imladris.' Class: unknown
The mysterious Ranger of the North who goes by the name of Strider is often seen travelling around Bree and the towns and villages of Eriador, but only a few know his true nature. He is a man of few words who comes and goes as he pleases, often disappearing into the wild for weeks, months, or even years, only to return and quietly go about his business, whatever that may be. Tall, strong, and wise beyond the years shown on his face, Strider is a master tracker, hunter, and woodsman. He knows much about the healing arts, and is a valuable source of information about the medicinal properties of plants throughout Middle-earth. Do not be surprised, however, if he does not give away many of his secrets. Strider is not quick to share more than necessary, especially with those he does not know and trust. The struggle of the mysterious Rangers known as the Dúnedain is a central theme in The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM: Shadows of AngmarTM'', and Strider plays a pivotal role throughout the game's quests and storyline. Although his true identity may be common knowledge to fans of the The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, in the earliest chapters of the trilogy (which is the time-frame in which the game is set), Strider's true identity and purpose are a carefully-guarded secret. The man known as Strider is actually Aragorn, son of Arathorn, descendent of Isildur, and heir to the throne of the kingdoms of Men. In order to hide his true nature from the powerful Darkness gathering in Mordor, Aragorn was raised in Rivendell by Elrond, and to this day he retains a close affinity for the Elves, their customs, and their history. As Chieftain of the Dúnedain, Strider watches over the affairs of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, asking nothing in return, as his Rangers protect their allies from the growing evil that reaches out from Mordor and Angmar and threatens to |