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Those who have fought against the vile creatures of Orc-kind know all too well the ferocity and ruthlessness of their ilk. The Free Peoples of Middle-earth have always taken some measure of comfort from the knowledge that the welcoming light of day weakens these monsters and drives them back into their shadowed realms. Lately, however, disturbing tales are growing more common among the people of Eriador - stories of larger, more ferocious Orcs, bred for their strength and cunning and capable of fighting with terrible strength by day or night. The fighting Uruk-hai, as they are known, are terrifying indeed.

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Sauron himself has been breeding Uruk-hai for some time, but now it is said that a powerful ruler from lands to the southeast is also practicing the darkest of arts to bring these creatures to life. This new ruler is organizing the Uruk-hai into a fighting force to bring darkness and desolation to the peaceful lands of Middle-earth. No one wants to dwell on the nefarious purpose for which such a tyrant might be conducting such atrocities, but fear is sweeping the lands east of the Misty Mountains as these creatures hack and burn a path though village after village.

Uruk-hai have tough, dark skin, bodies of corded muscle, and incredible strength and stamina. Seeming to need no rest, they appear sustained instead by their intense hatred for all that is good in Middle-earth.

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