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Trolls have existed in Middle-earth for as long as even the most ancient and powerful Elf-lords can remember. Creatures of the most corrupted evil, trolls are as dim-witted as they are strong. While there are many types of trolls in Middle-earth, Stone-trolls are particularly vicious and are extremely difficult to defeat in battle. These trolls are capable of dealing a punishing blow with even the simplest of weapons - from sticks to boulders to crude spiked clubs - while their rock-like skin provides an excellent natural defense that can turn aside the blade of even the most skilled warrior.

Stone-trolls are said to frequent the area of eastern Eriador known (perhaps not surprisingly) as the Trollshaws. These forested lands of craggy hills on the western slopes of the Misty Mountains were known long ago as the kingdom of Rhudaur, once part of ancient Arnor, and still contain many ruins and remnants of the ancient dwellings of men. It is well-known that trolls do not build, but many of these ancient fortifications are now home to bands of Stone-trolls - and worse.

<Despite their size, strength, and power, most trolls, Stone-trolls amongst them, do have a weakness: sunlight. The Stone-trolls were corrupted from rock and stone, and they return to this form when exposed to the light of the sun. With this in mind, adventurers traveling within the Trollshaws, perhaps striking east from the Lone-lands on their way to Rivendell, should avoid roaming about by night or wandering near to darkened caves and shadowed ruins, unless they are seeking confrontation. Rare is the adventurer who has faced a Stone-troll alone in battle and lived to recount the tale in the inns of Eriador.

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