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As the realm of Angmar grew in power under the Lord of the Nazgûl, he commanded that a great citadel be built as the capital of his kingdom. Thus many Angmarim and Hill-men out of Rhudaur were pressed into service to build the city of Carn Dûm, nestled in the Mountains of Angmar. They were taken from their homes, and foul meats and the vile waters of Sereg Argûl became their sole sustenance. Shrunken and twisted by the cruel scourges of their Orcish taskmasters and by the scarce and tainted provender granted them, the slaves gradually fell beneath the shadow of Angmar.
The Nimwaith, or Pale-folk, as the descendants of the slaves became known, act as the primary labor caste of Carn Dûm. These small, pale-skinned creatures are weaker than ordinary Men, but their numbers are great, bred and maintained in the caves beneath the ancient fortress of the Witch-king. They are vile and ravenous creatures, subservient to the will of Mordirith, the Steward of Angmar, though they remain filled with hatred for their cruel masters.
The Pale-folk are one of many creatures developed by Turbine for The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM: Shadows of AngmarTM (LOTRO) using principles established in the Books of J.R.R. Tolkien. Players in LOTRO should be cautious when entering the deep halls of Carn Dûm, for they may be swarmed by the vicious Nimwaith.
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