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In the Third Age, the Hillmen seized power in Rhudaur and forged an alliance with the realm of Angmar. Twice they invaded Arnor, and during the second war the North Kingdom was destroyed. But their victory was short-lived. Eärnur, Prince of Gondor, and the Elves of Rivendell and Linden drove the Witch-king of Angmar and his armies out of the North, laying waste to all who served Angmar.
In the years that followed, the scattered remnants of the Hillmen gradually came together in the southwest barrens of Angmar. Many foreswore their old allegiance to the ruined and evil kingdom of Angmar and took up a nomadic existence, each tribe co-existing in relative peace with one another, living simple lives as hunters and shepherds . . . until the Ring was found and Sauron stirred once more. Through oppression and subversion, many of the clans have renewed their allegiance to Angmar and its Steward, Míaran.
In J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, little is said of the Hillmen of Rhudaur beyond that they fell under the shadow of the Witch-king and allied with Angmar against Arthedain and Cardolan. In The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, many Hillmen have renewed their allegiance to Angmar, while others are exploited by the Angmarim - the Steadfast in service to the Iron Crown of Angmar, newly returned to power in Carn Dûm. Aided by a Ranger of the North, a few of the Hillmen are determined to remain free of the yoke of Angmar, biding their time, awaiting the right moment to bring Carn Dûm down around the ears of their oppressors.
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