Deed:A Shot in the Dark

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Deed: A Shot in the Dark

Category: Hunter

Description: This journal was written by a hunter who seems to have spent much of his time alone somewhere on the western borders of Mirkwood across the Misty Mountains, where few Men live and goblins present a frequent threat. With no allies to rely upon and always outnumbered, he discovered the value of uncertainty and fear as a weapon to keep his pursuers off balance as he strove to survive in that rugged country. Having no-one to talk to, it seems that he choose to create a record of his life and experiences.

This journal is badly weathered and torn -- perhaps by the self-same goblins whom the hunter claims to have frequently out-witted -- and several key passages are missing. Another hunter of renown might be able to shed some light on this unusual book. Legolas of Mirkwood is said to be in Eriador on a mission of some import.

Deed Level: 42

Min Level: 39

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