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LOTRO allows players to equip and play musical instruments, performing music for their companions' listening pleasure (or horror). In order to create music, your character must equip an instrument.

Instruments can be bought at Bards in many different towns across Middle-earth. While the minstrel class can play any instrument, all other classes are limited to specific instruments with the exception of the Lute, for which the passive skill Lute Use is awarded at level 5.

In addition to the Lute, classes can equip the following instruments:

Burglar: Clarinet

Captain: Horn

Champion: Horn

Guardian: Horn

Hunter: Clarinet

Lore-master: Clarinet

Minstrel: Clarinet, Harp, Horn, Flute, Theorbo, Drum

Pages in category "Instrument"

The following 68 pages are in this category, out of 68 total.