Category:Heavy Armour (Chest)
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Pages in category "Heavy Armour (Chest)"
The following 192 pages are in this category, out of 192 total.
- Armour:Breastplate of Dorthonion
- Armour:Breastplate of Mirath
- Armour:Breastplate of Orod-na-Thôn
- Armour:Breastplate of the Citadel
- Armour:Breastplate of the Nimrodel
- Armour:Breastplate of the North-drake
- Armour:Breastplate of the Riddermark
- Armour:Breastplate of the Seven Fathers
- Armour:Breastplate of the Silverwood
- Armour:Breastplate of the West-tower
- Armour:Brocham
- Armour:Carn Dum Breastplate
- Armour:Chainmail Breastplate
- Armour:Chainmail Chestpiece of Absorption
- Armour:Chainmail Chestpiece of Determination
- Armour:Chainmail Chestpiece of Fate
- Armour:Chainmail Chestpiece of Fleetness
- Armour:Chainmail Chestpiece of Might
- Armour:Chainmail Chestpiece of Vigour
- Armour:Chainmail Jacket
- Armour:Chainmail Jacket of Absorption
- Armour:Chainmail Jacket of Determination
- Armour:Chainmail Jacket of Fate
- Armour:Chainmail Jacket of Fleetness
- Armour:Chainmail Jacket of Might
- Armour:Chainmail Jacket of Vigour
- Armour:Crafted Armour
- Armour:Dalewarden
- Armour:Dannasen's Breastplate
- Armour:Dorcham
- Armour:Dragon-scale Breastplate
- Armour:Dwarf Steel Breastplate of Determination
- Armour:Dwarf Steel Breastplate of Might
- Armour:Dwarf Steel Breastplate of Vigour
- Armour:Dwarf Steel Jacket
- Armour:Dwarf Steel Jacket of Determination
- Armour:Dwarf Steel Jacket of Fate
- Armour:Dwarf Steel Jacket of Fleetness
- Armour:Dwarf Steel Jacket of Might
- Armour:Dwarf Steel Jacket of Vigour
- Armour:Dwarf-Iron Armour
- Armour:Elf Ancient Armour
- Armour:Elf Burnished Ancient Armour
- Armour:Elf Mirrored Ancient Armour
- Armour:Elven Soldiers' Armour
- Armour:Elven Steel Breastplate
- Armour:Elven Steel Breastplate of Absorption
- Armour:Elven Steel Breastplate of Determination
- Armour:Elven Steel Breastplate of Fate
- Armour:Elven Steel Breastplate of Fleetness
- Armour:Elven Steel Breastplate of Might
- Armour:Elven Steel Breastplate of Vigour
- Armour:Elven Steel Jacket
- Armour:Elven Steel Jacket of Determination
- Armour:Elven Steel Jacket of Fate
- Armour:Elven Steel Jacket of Fleetness
- Armour:Elven Steel Jacket of Might
- Armour:Elven Steel Jacket of Vigour
- Armour:Enduring Chainmail Chestpiece of Fate
- Armour:Enduring Chainmail Chestpiece of Vigour
- Armour:Enduring Chainmail Jacket of Determination
- Armour:Enduring Chainmail Jacket of Fate
- Armour:Enduring Chainmail Jacket of Vigour
- Armour:Enduring Dwarf Steel Breastplate of Determination
- Armour:Hanham
- Armour:Hardened Bronze Armour
- Armour:Hardened Dwarf-Iron Armour
- Armour:Hardened Elven Soldiers' Armour
- Armour:Hardened Iron Armour
- Armour:Hardened Steel Armour
- Armour:Harthatham
- Armour:Heavy Bronze Armour
- Armour:Heavy Dwarf-Iron Armour
- Armour:Heavy Elven Soldiers' Armour
- Armour:Heavy Iron Armour
- Armour:Heavy Steel Armour
- Armour:High-protector's Breastplate
- Armour:Hodges' Jacket
- Armour:Reinforced Chainmail Chestpiece
- Armour:Reinforced Chainmail Chestpiece of Determination
- Armour:Reinforced Chainmail Chestpiece of Might
- Armour:Reinforced Dwarf Steel Breastplate
- Armour:Reinforced Dwarf Steel Breastplate of Might
- Armour:Reinforced Dwarf Steel Breastplate of Vigour
- Armour:Reinforced Dwarf Steel Jacket
- Armour:Reinforced Dwarf Steel Jacket of Determination
- Armour:Reinforced Dwarf Steel Jacket of Vigour
- Armour:Reinforced Elven Steel Breastplate of Fleetness
- Armour:Reinforced Scale Jacket
- Armour:Reinforced Scale Jacket of Might
- Armour:Reinforced Westernesse Steel Breastplate
- Armour:Reinforced Westernesse Steel Breastplate of Fate
- Armour:Reinforced Westernesse Steel Breastplate of Vigour
- Armour:Reinforced Westernesse Steel Jacket of Might
- Armour:Rodúr
- Armour:Ríanham
- Armour:Sand-norbog Hunter
- Armour:Scale Breastplate of Determination
- Armour:Scale Breastplate of Fate
- Armour:Scale Breastplate of Fleetness
- Armour:Scale Breastplate of Might
- Armour:Scale Breastplate of Vigour
- Armour:Scale Jacket of Determination
- Armour:Scale Jacket of Fate
- Armour:Scale Jacket of Might
- Armour:Scale Jacket of Vigour
- Armour:Scalemail Breastplate
- Armour:Scalemail Jacket
- Armour:Shining Chainmail Chestpiece
- Armour:Shining Chainmail Jacket
- Armour:Shining Dwarf Steel Breastplate
- Armour:Shining Dwarf Steel Jacket
- Armour:Shining Elven Steel Breastplate
- Armour:Shining Elven Steel Jacket
- Armour:Shining Scale Breastplate
- Armour:Shining Scale Jacket
- Armour:Shining Westernesse Steel Breastplate
- Armour:Silverberk
- Armour:Skunkwood's Coat
- Armour:Smith-klath
- Armour:Solid Gondorian Armour
- Armour:Solid Westernesse Armour
- Armour:Stalwart Breastplate
- Armour:Stannafl
- Armour:Steel Armour
- Armour:Sterkur's Glory
- Armour:Strong Gondorian Armour
- Armour:Strong Westernesse Armour
- Armour:Strongheart
- Armour:Stub - Don’t Translate
- Armour:Sturdy Gondorian Armour
- Armour:Sturdy Westernesse Armour
- Armour:Temper-Crafted Armour
- Armour:Thauk's Bane
- Armour:The Worm's Scale
- Armour:Thick Bronze Armour
- Armour:Thick Dwarf-Iron Armour
- Armour:Thick Elven Soldiers' Armour
- Armour:Thick Iron Armour
- Armour:Thick Steel Armour
- Armour:Thol-klath
- Armour:Threk-klath
- Armour:Tough Chainmail Jacket
- Armour:Tough Dwarf Steel Breastplate
- Armour:Tough Dwarf Steel Jacket
- Armour:Tough Elven Steel Jacket
- Armour:Tough Scale Breastplate
- Armour:Tough Scale Jacket
- Armour:Tough Westernesse Steel Jacket
- Armour:Tralli's Breastplate
- Armour:Túannadir
- Armour:War-captain's Breastplate
- Armour:Well-Crafted Armour
- Armour:Westernesse Armour
- Armour:Westernesse Steel Breastplate
- Armour:Westernesse Steel Breastplate of Absorption
- Armour:Westernesse Steel Breastplate of Determination
- Armour:Westernesse Steel Breastplate of Fate
- Armour:Westernesse Steel Breastplate of Might
- Armour:Westernesse Steel Breastplate of Vigour
- Armour:Westernesse Steel Jacket
- Armour:Westernesse Steel Jacket of Determination
- Armour:Westernesse Steel Jacket of Fate
- Armour:Westernesse Steel Jacket of Might
- Armour:Westernesse Steel Jacket of Vigour