In the depths of time, the great race of dragons was bred by Morgoth in his dark realm of Angband. These terrible beasts are capable of spewing gouts of flame and crushing stone and metal with little effort. Few survived the fall of Beleriand, and fewer still remain in the Third Age. Smaug the Golden was the greatest of those who fled to Middle-earth, and he was slain by Bard the Bowman, who became King of Dale.
The winged drakes who now inhabit the stony hills and mountains of Middle-earth are mere shadows of the once-great majesty of their forebears. They hunt the landscape for aurochs, bears, and other large animals with which to feed their young – drakelings – though they will not hesitate to make a meal of stray Hillman or Earth-kin, if the opportunity arises.
Weaker still are the wingless worms who claw their way across the barren plains and hills. Like their winged kin, they live to feed, terrorizing beast and Man alike. Neither drake nor worm possesses the might of the great dragons, but they should not be underestimated. Rumor has it that something in the Misty Mountains is stirring, calling them to gather.
Players will encounter drakes and worms throughout the crags and passes of Angmar, the North Downs, and the Misty Mountains. Both Mordor and Angmar are gathering their strength to crush the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, and all of Dragon-kind is being called upon by the Enemy to serve in this war.
Pages in category "Dragon-kind"
The following 61 pages are in this category, out of 61 total.