Kindling Material
Minimum Level: 1
Kindling material is used to start a campfire.
Stacks to 50
Worth 40
Sold By
Leithi Uffi Miluiel Grafinn Grafinn Angelica Bolger Mimosa Cotton Asphodel Burrows Bowman Whitfoot Drogo Boffin Sancho Chubb Emma Shadetree Tim Quibell Tuluvadan Bert Appledore Tyrvi Nagli Lendaellin Mallasil Belba Bracegirdle Madulas Brandybuck Porto Chubb Olo Brockhouse Gundabald Gardner Madulas Brandybuck Toby Sandheaver Turbert Pither Henry Suggs Gib Heathstraw Thorth Nomad Provisioner Trader Trader Trader Olmóth Buckley Sheppard Coldfells Provisioner Adelin Swiftrunner Fathrem Lizbeth Honeymeade Colbert the Mad Hithlim Ulfar Tralli Gemfinder Barachen Fimgris Raskulf Galar Deep-pouches Lini Áfast Aglallen Marigold Grubb Daisy Boffin Serlo Brockhouse Rosebud Bolger Leofric Brandybuck Walter Mabbot Todd Brushwood Farald Tearlach Raenfer Hatt Bonny Thatcher Gilfiniel Naeremil Rudbessain Rosebud Bolger Farald Colveril Dofri Gamall Faengamil Filegnaneth Petunia Greenhand Jaspera Noakes Esilia Diggerly Walkelin Bolger Wanno Proudfoot Wilibald Goodchild Myrtle Brandybuck Bess Harpham Aesbrennil Rupert Inskip Gil Greenbush Jewel Underhill Afwald Talebot Took Jack Woodhouse Glosmir Fráll