Quest:The Vale of Andrath

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Quest: The Vale of Andrath

Description: Sharkey's Men and their half-orc allies from the South have blockaded the Vale of Andrath, inhibiting trade with the southern nations.

Category: Bree-land

Quest Level: 15

Hdg bestower.gif

'The Vale of Andrath is Bree-land's gateway to the South. The South Downs, Dunland, Isengard, the Gap of Rohan -- all would be closed to Bree-land if the brigands are not hindered. I have learned that a force of Sharkey's Men and half-orcs from the South have just in the last day blocked the road, stopping all traffic.

'I must remain to watch the North, but the Vale demands attention. I would that you gather your allies and assault the brigands' encampment in the Vale. Follow the Greenway south, far beyond the Greenway Crossing. At the southern end of the Vale is an old ruin the brigands have fortified.

'Scatter the brigands and slay their leader. They must not hold the ruin.'