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Description: Braigiar is disturbed by the news you brought him of the wights which wandered near the monuments.
'The behaviour of the creatures which you found near those monuments interests me. It seems that they found those places worthy of defence.
'I believe I will send you back to the monuments to deal those wights a second death, but first I will send you on another task. To the north and east of the troll-infested Maethad arena which lies some distance to the east, grows the poisonous herb, nightshade. This plant is a simple which has virtue to ward against the terrible wights when steeped in a certain rare liquor I have obtained.
'Please gather nightshade-plants and bring them to me, and I will prepare a tincture for you to sprinkle on the monuments you found. I wonder what will happen when these wights are warded from the shrines they seek to protect?'