Quest:The Standing-stone

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Quest: The Standing-stone

Description: Barrow-wights roam the ancient Edain mounds in the eastern reaches of Haudh Lin, heralding the coming of a great evil to Ered Luin.

Category: Ered Luin

Quest Level: 14

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'If wights roam the barrows of Haudh Lin, then I fear a shadow has returned to Angmar, for never before have such creatures been seen in these lands. This bodes ill for Eriador and perhaps for all of Middle-earth, for eyes which should be turned south, may turn north instead and be blinded to the larger threat.

'As it ever is with evil, no doubt a greater will drives the lesser amidst the barrows. It is that greater will which must be destroyed. Only thus will Angmar's designs for Ered Luin be hindered. The stone Gailthin gave you is possessed of such a virtue that evil cannot bear its presence.

'Take the Elf-stone into the barrows and place it upon the largest standing stone. It is a white stone near a ruined building. That greater will of which I spoke may be drawn forth, and you must confront it.'

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Selectable Items

Unknown icon.png Gailthin's Feathered Hat

Unknown icon.png Bregnam